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The Viennese Ballroom in the Age of Beethoven

jueves, 6 de enero de 2022
The Viennese Ballroom in the Age of Beethoven © 2021 by Cambridge University Press The Viennese Ballroom in the Age of Beethoven © 2021 by Cambridge University Press

La editorial Cambridge University Press ha publicado The Viennese Ballroom in the Age of Beethoven de Erica Buurman, profesora de música de la San José State University de California y directora del Ira F. Brilliant Center for Beethoven Studies. Es la editora de The Beethoven Journal and The Beethoven Newsletter

Entre las últimas publicaciones de Buurman se cuentan sus capítulos en The Cambridge Companion to the Eroica Symphony (Cambridge, 2020) y The New Beethoven (University of Rochester Press, 2020). Durante la pandemia ha desarrollado una intensa actividad radiofónica con programas sobre Beethoven en las cadenas Radio 3 y Radio 4 de la  BBC, entre los que destacan varios de los 125 capítulos de la serie Beethoven Unleashed, un proyecto de la BBC para conmemorar el 250 aniversario de Beethoven.

Reproducimos a continuación la descripción del volumen facilitada por Cambridge University Press

The repertoire of the early Viennese ballroom was highly influential in the broader histories of both social dance and music in nineteenth-century Europe. Yet music scholarship has traditionally paid little attention to ballroom dance music before the era of the Strauss dynasty, with the exception of a handful of dances by Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven. This book positions Viennese social dances in their specific performing contexts and investigates the wider repertoire of the Viennese ballroom in the decades around 1800, most of which stems from dozens of non-canonical composers. Close examination of this material yields new insights into the social contexts associated with familiar dance types, and reveals that the ballroom repertoire of this period connected with virtually every aspect of Viennese musical life, from opera and concert music to the emerging category of entertainment music that was later exemplified by the waltzes of Lanner and Strauss.

The Viennese Ballroom in the Age of Beethoven incluye ejemplos musicales, ilustraciones, tablas, bibliografía e índices analíticos. Este es el índice del libro:


1. The public ball in Viennese musical life, 1770–1830

2. Early waltz dances of the Viennese ballroom: transmission and transformation in eighteenth-century music and dance

3. The minuet: performing aristocracy in the Viennese ballroom

4. The contredanse: participation and spectatorship in the public ballroom

5. Dance arrangements from the Viennese stage

6. Battle waltzes: programmatic music in the ballroom

7. The Congress dances': the Viennese public ball and court-sponsored festivities at the Congress of Vienna


Appendix: Selected original musical sources consulted


The Viennese Ballroom in the Age of Beethoven es un volumen de 208 páginas (ISBN 978-1108495851) disponible en los formatos Hardback y Kindle (precios recomendados 91,03 € y 50,96 €).

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