Iluminación y movimiento escenario, al igual que la dirección de actores alcanzan en esta puesta en escena, un nivel superlativo.No ha habido ni un único motivo musical de la partitura de Wagner que haya pasado inadvertido a Laurent Pelly.
For all that Mr Tcherniakov was willing to drag the themes of the Ring far beyond their normal context, the four evenings of the cycle were balanced by performances that brought out the intoxicating musical qualities that have drawn generations of listeners into Wagner’s world
If 'Rheingold' is a purely mythological spectacular, 'Walküre' marks the beginning of the cycle’s shift in the direction of human drama, and in place of continuous set changes, Mr Tcherniakov devoted his energies to extended scenes examining the passions and madnesses that drive the characters
Whatever you were expecting, this probably wasn’t it.Dmitri Tcherniakov’s productions for the Staatsoper Berlin over the past decade have made a point of pushing operatic texts outside their comfort zones in ways that open up new avenues of meaning while retaining the emotional essence of the original
The first two instalments of Stefan Herheim’s new Ring cycle for the Deutsche Oper – Das Rheingold and Die Walküre – were ingenious pieces of theatrical invention, delightful as standalone works of drama, yet brimming with images and ideas that seemed to pull its central concept in any number of directions at once.
La aglomerada vitalidad de pasiones en negro ejecutada sobre la tarima fue contrapunteada con la mejor proyección de videos que recuerdo haber visto desde el Tristán e Isolda visualizado por Bill Viola en París.
Teatro Colón.Tres hermanas.Ópera en tres secuencias con libreto de Peter Eötvös y Claus H.Henneberg y música de Peter Eötvös.Regisseur: Rubén Szuchmacher.Escenografía y vestuario: Jorge Ferrari.Irina: Elvira Hasanagić.
Veinticinco años ha tardado esta magistral comedia –pese a su extensión, que se nota sobre todo en el primer acto- en volver al coliseo lírico italiano.