
Midori: I think I'm a very optimistic person and also a very practical person

Midori © 2022 by Timothy Greenfield-Sanders
It's unknown whether García Lorca and Poulenc ever met, but they have many things in common: They use similar themes and approach some issues in a similar way.These two men on their own are an artistic inspiration, and to combine their work just naturally came to me.

Hermann Bäumer, nuevo director musical de la Ópera Estatal de Praga

Hermann Bäumer  © Ópera Estatal de Praga
Zuzana Kadlčíková sucederá a Adolf Melichar como maestra jefa del Coro de la institución.

A Hidden Gem

Loy, La Fiamma © 2024 by Monika Rittershaus
In the past several years, the Deutsche Oper Berlin and director Christof Loy have been mining the neglected margins of the early-twentieth-century operatic repertoire … and more often than not they’ve managed to strike gold.

Sarah Willis: My horn is my best friend but also sometimes my worst enemy

Sarah Willis en La Habana © 2022 by Monika Rittershaus
I have loved every moment of this journey into Cuban music.It has changed me as a musician and as a person - I feel much freer on my instrument and my rhythm is a lot better!I also love the passion and enthusiasm for things which my Cuban friends so freely show, we could do with more of that here in Europe, couldn´t we?!

CXXXIII Un centenar de expertos fueron formados para la investigación marina mundial

Instalación de un CPR (Registrador Continuo de Plancton) © 2024 by Philipp Wenta
El programa del Center of Excellence garantiza que los jóvenes oceanógrafos internacionales excelentemente formados puedan seguir realizando en el futuro investigaciones marinas interdisciplinarias y con visión de futuro.

Ha fallecido Aribert Reimann

Aribert Reimann © 2024 by Schott Music
El compositor y pianista Aribert Reimann falleció el pasado 13 de marzo en su ciudad natal, Berlín.Su ópera más representada, 'Lear', fue estrenada en el Teatro Real de Madrid en enero de este año.

Ha fallecido el director Robert Lyall

Robert Lyall © 2018 by NOMA
Actualmente Robert Lyall era Director General y Director Artístico Emérito de la Ópera de Nueva Orleans, donde fue director principal durante 23 temporadas seguidas entre 1998 y 2021
Reino Unido

Mahabharata. La gran odisea hindú en Londres

Satyamurti, Mahabharata © 2023 by David Cooper
El Barbican se transformó en una especie de templo durante la serie de funciones de este refrescante 'Mahabharata'.Algunos espacios fueron dedicados a la meditación, relatos orales y ejecuciones de sitar, sarangi y bansuri.

Several Sins

Karabulut, Il Trittico © 2023 by Eike Walkenhorst / DOB
Ms Karabulut sought to bring unity to the diverse materials of Il Trittico by returning to Puccini’s original inspiration in Dante, but also by interpreting the title of the cycle – the Triptych – in its most painterly sense.

La inolvidable Reina Lear

Glenda Jackson © 2023 by BBC One
In memoriam Glenda Jackson (9 de mayo de 1936-15 de junio de 2023)