

Musikfest 1: The American Tour

Simovic and São Paulo Symphony Orchestra © 2024 by Fabian Schellhorn
The Ginastera's Violin Concerto, which enjoyed a high-profile première under Leonard Bernstein in 1963, Roman Simovic and the committed support of the orchestra suggested a work that is ready for wider rediscovery
España - Galicia

Finis coronat opus

Steve Reich © stevereich.com
Cardinais abordó un proyecto especialmente laborioso que fructificó en un espectáculo que implicó la participación de más de 100 estudiantes de diferentes especialidades artísticas, dando forma así a un proyecto pedagógico colaborativo.

A Tale of Two Orchestras

Esa-Pekka Salonen © Anne Ryan | Ibermúsica
The main attraction was the German première of Mr Salonen’s Sinfonia concertante for organ and orchestra, which was completed and given its first performance (in Katowice) only six days ago.With Olivier Latry on the Karl Schuke organ of the Philharmonie and spirited direction from the composer himself, the new work provided a compelling centrepiece to an evening that never lacked excitement.

Rock around Barock

Rock around Barock © 2022 by Bettina Stöß
Después de conquistar el corazón del público alemán hace unos 15 años con veladas temáticas como La vie en rose, una declaración de amor a la chanson francesa, y la danza de homenaje a Queen, Ben Van Cauwenbergh creó Rock around Barock, una velada de ballet ideada durante su estancia en Wiesbaden en 1995, junto con la banda de rock Mallet.

Unity from diversity

Andris Nelsons © 2015 by Alexander Böhm
Between the extraordinary refinement of the playing and the consistently thrilling direction of Andris Nelsons, the evening was a casually flawless illustration of how the best concerts invariably arise from the simple pairing of great pieces with great musicians

Musikfest 3: Dreams and Visions

Hannigan y Rattle © Barbara Hannigan, 2019
Ms Hannigan was called upon to push the words out of the dreamy haze of the music into a position of greater clarity, the notes that emerged were forceful and pure;but it was her ability to let the words rise and fall above the sonic water-line of the orchestra that created the impression of a fated narrator flickering in and out of existence.

Rock around Barock

Adeline Pastor y Davit Jeyranyan © 2019 by Bettina Stöß
En el siglo XVIII, la música barroca, junto con el ascenso al estrellato de los castrati, habría de desencadenar un bombo publicitario similar al de los inicios de la música de rock en las décadas de 1950 y 1960, cuando una nueva generación buscaría liberarse, sobre todo, de las estructuras anquilosadas.


Guth: Violetter Schnee © Monika Rittershaus, 2019
Mr Furrer’s frequently magnificent score was equally steeped in the textural and harmonic language of the same era.Yet if the opera was indebted to the foundational themes and approaches of the previous century, it seemed less a throwback than a careful distillation.

The Farewell, Part One

All things eventually come to an end.Over the course of the next month, Sir Simon Rattle will mark the conclusion of his sixteen years as chief conductor of the Berlin Philharmonic with a series of concerts designed, it would seem, to provide an encapsulated overview of his tenure.

Impresiones de Normandía

Die Impresionisten in der Normandie © 2017 by Hirmer Verlag
El Museo Picasso de Münster (centro-oeste de Alemania), presenta hasta el 21 de enero una muy agitada, pero sumamente interesante y hermosa exposición de marinas y paisajes de la región de Normandía, pintados al aire libre por impresionistas y postimpresionistas, en su gran mayoría franceses.