Las ocurrencias individuales de Serebrennikov se hundieron en un todo fracasado por su insistencia en sabotear una dramaturgia original que, como decía Kupfer, es mucho más compleja que la de cualquier ópera wagneriana.
En este Oro del Rin no hicieron falta ni escenografía ni vestuario ni utillería ni luces espectaculares ni bobadas innecesarias, como las gafas de realidad virtual del Parsifal de Bayreuth 2023.
One emerged from the auditorium slightly battered, and with a bad taste in the mouth;which, one suspects, was Mr Kosky’s goal.If parts of the staging leaned in the direction of excess, much of the music was notable for its restraint.
Over the past several years, Barrie Kosky has demonstrated an equal mastery of high-concept, high-production-value stagings – witness his recent Meistersinger at Bayreuth – and spare, intense character studies.